所有接收论文均由IEEE Xplore出版,将提交EI检索;其中优秀论文推荐到10余个SCI期刊:
* Future Generation Computer Systems( 2014 IF=2.639 )
* Facta Universitatis, Series( 2014 IF=2.01 )
* International Journal of Communication Systems( 2014 IF=1.106 )
* Information System (Elsevier, 2014 IF=1.235)
* International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks( 2014 IF=0.923 )
* Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience( 2013 IF=0.784 )
* Science China Information Sciences( 2013 IF=0.702 )
* Journal of Internet Technology( 2013 IF=0.418 )
* Springer Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC)
* Elsevier Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS)
* ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications (MONET)
* International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies( SCI-indexed )
* IEEE Cloud Computing
* Top10CS Summit: Top 10 challenges for future cyber-enabled smart worlds/life