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  • 个人信息

    Mei Chao

    系      所:
    职      称:
    职      务:
    本 科 课 程:
    科 研 方 向:
    1、非线性光学 2、激光器 3、超快光学
    1、美国光学学会会员 2、中国光学工程学会会员
  • 简   历

     2013年于哈尔滨工程大学光信息科学与技术专业获学士学位,2014年开始在北京邮电大学信息光子学与光通信国家重点实验室硕博连读,2019年取得光学工程专业博士学位。读博期间分别于2015年10月在爱尔兰都柏林理工公司短期交流、2017年3月-2018年3月在香港理工大学进行博士联培。博士毕业后获国家留学基金委中德博士后项目资助,于2019年10月在德国马克斯波恩非线性光学与短脉冲光谱研究所(MBI)从事博士后研究。博后期间师从激光领域著名专家Prof. Günter Steinmeyer从事脉冲内相干性、高能脉冲压缩、中红外高能量光学系统等方面的研究。2021年5月加入kaiyun体育登录网页入口光电子实验室从事新型光电子器件的研究。

  • 代表性论文

     1. Mei C, Steinmeyer G, Yuan J, et al. Intermodal synchronization effects in multimode fibers with noninstantaneous nonlinearity[J]. Physical Review A, 2022, 105(1): 013516.

    2. Mei C, Babushkin I, Nagy T, et al. Spatial cage solitons—taming light bullets[J]. Photonics Research, 2022, 10(1):148-154.

    3. Mei C, Steinmeyer G. Space-time focusing and coherence properties of supercontinua in multipass cells[J]. Physical Review Research, 2021, 3(1): 013259.

    4. Mei C, Steinmeyer G. Tailoring the waveguide dispersion of nonlinear fibers for supercontinuum generation with superior intrapulse coherence[J]. JOSA B, 2020, 37(8): 2485-2497.

    5. Mei C, Yuan J, Li F, et al. Passive generation of the multi-wavelength parabolic pulses in tapered silicon nanowires[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 77631-77641.

    6. Mei C, Yuan J, Li F, et al. Generation of parabolic pulse in a dispersion and nonlinearity jointly engineered silicon waveguide taper[J]. Optics Communications, 2019, 448: 48-54.

    7. Mei C, Wang K, Yuan J, et al. Self-similar propagation and compression of the parabolic pulse in silicon waveguide[J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019, 37(9): 1990-1999.

    8. Mei C, Yuan J, Li F, et al. Efficient spectral compression of wavelength-shifting soliton and its application in integratable all-optical quantization[J]. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019, 11(1): 1-15.

    9. Mei C, Li F, Yuan J, et al. Comprehensive analysis of passive generation of parabolic similaritons in tapered hydrogenated amorphous silicon photonic wires[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 1-14.

    10. Mei C, Li F, Yuan J, et al. High degree picosecond pulse compression in chalcogenide-silicon slot waveguide taper[J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2016, 34(16): 3843-3852.

    11. Fuertjes P, von Grafenstein L, Mei C, et al. Cr: ZnS-based soliton self-frequency shifted signal generation for a tunable sub-100 fs MWIR OPCPA[J]. Optics Express, 2022, 30(4): 5142-5150.

    12. Liao R*, Mei C*, Song Y, et al. Spontaneous emission noise in mode-locked lasers and frequency combs[J]. Physical Review A, 2020, 102(1): 013506.

  • 科研业绩


    1国家自然科学基金青年项目,全固态光学多程池中非线性脉冲压缩技术研究,62205015,2023-01  2025-12


    2021-10  2024-09

  • 获得奖励/专利

     1Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of BUPT Jun. 2019

    2IEEE ICOCN 2016 best poster paper award Sept. 2016

    3CLEO-PR 2018 best poster award Aug. 2018

    4ACP 2018 best poster award Oct. 2018

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