Zhang ShanGen
2014.9-2019.7 清华大员工物医学工程系 博士员工
2020.11-至今 kaiyun体育登录网页入口 讲师
1.Shangen Zhang, X. Han, X. Chen, Y. Wang, S. Gao and X. Gao, "A Study on Dynamic Model of Steady-state Visual Evoked Potentials." Journal of Neural Engineering. 15.4 (2018): 046010.
2.Shangen Zhang, and Xiaorong Gao, "The effect of visual stimuli noise and fatigue on steady-state visual evoked potentials." (2019). Journal of Neural Engineering.
3.Shangen Zhang, X. Han and X. Gao, " Study on the effect of pre-stimulation paradigm on steady-state visual evoked potentials dynamic model based on the zero-pole analytical method." (2019). Tsinghua Science and Technology.
4.X. Chen, Y. Wang, Shangen Zhang, S. Gao, Y. Hu and X. Gao, "A Novel Stimulation Method for Multi-Class SSVEP-BCI Using intermodulation Frequencies. " Journal of Neural Engineering. 14.2 (2017): 026013.
5.X. Chen, Y. Wang, Shangen Zhang, S. Xu and X. Gao, "Effects of stimulation frequency and stimulation waveform on steady state visual evoked potentials using computer monitor." (2019). Journal of Neural Engineering.