Wang Hongbing
1) Chen Ji, Hongbing Wang and Haihua Li. Defects detection in weld joints based on visual attention and deep learning. NDT & E. 2023, 133: 102764
2) Jianfei Zhou, Hongbing Wang. MFSR: Light Field Images Spatial Super Resolution Model Integrated with Multiple Features. Electronics, 2023, 12: 1480.
3) Hang Li, Li Li and Hongbing Wang. Defect Detection for Wear Debris Based on Few-Shot Contrastive Learning. Applied sciences, 2022, 12:11893.
4) 赵文慈, 闫岩, 汪红兵等. 基于点云处理的产品表面质量缺陷识别研究综述. 冶金自动化. 2022, 46(5):20-35,102.
5) Maoqiang Gu, Anjun Xu, Hongbing Wang and Zhitong Wang. Real-time Dynamic Carbon Content Prediction Model for Second Blowing Stage in BOF Based on CBR AND LSTM. Processes. 2021, 9, 1987.
6) Haoying Yang, Hongbing Wang, Haihua Li and Xiaoping Song. Weld Defect Cascaded Detection Model Based on Bidirectional Multi-scale Feature Fusion and Shape Pre-classification. ISIJ International, 2022, 62(7):1485-1492.
7) Shuai Kang and Hongbing Wang. Crane Hook Detection Based on Mask R-CNN in Steel-making Plant[J]. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2020, 1575:012151. 20203209006832
8) Xinli Chen, Hongbing Wang, Li Li, Jingyi Liu, Shuqi Wei, Haihua Li, Jinxin Lv. Detection of Weak Defects in Weld Joints Based on Poisson Fusion and Deep Learning. Cyberspace Data and Intelligence, and Cyber-Living, Syndrome, and Health, China, Beijing, 2019-12.
9) Hongbing WANG, Shuqi WEI, Rong HUANG, Shuai DENG, Fei YUAN, Anjun XU, Jiani ZHOU. Recognition of Plate Identification Numbers Using Convolution Neural Network and Character Distribution Rules. ISIJ International, 2019, 59(11): 2044-2051.
10) WANG Hongbing, HUANG Rong, etc. Wear Debris Classification of Steel Production Equipment using Feature Fusion and Case-based Reasoning. ISIJ International. 2018, 58(7). 1293–1299.
11) Fei Yuan, Hongbing Wang, etc. Heat transfer performances of honeycomb regenerators with square or hexagon cell opening. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 125: 790-798.
12) Yanrui Liang and Hongbing Wang. A two-step case-based reasoning method based on attributes reduction for predicting the endpoint phosphorus content. ISIJ International. 2015, 55(5): 1035-1043.
13) Hongbing Wang, Anjun Xu, Lixiang AI and Naiyuan Tian. Prediction of endpoint phosphorus content of molten steel in BOF using weighted K-Means and GMDH neural network. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2012, 19(1): 11-16
1) 2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目,钢铁智能制造过程中数据认知与生产决策,在研,主持课题1
2) 铸坯低倍缺陷智能检测系统,在研,主持
3) 钢区界面优化和动态调度,在研,参与
4) 复杂工业场景中字符智能识别系统(钢包包号、铁包包号、连铸坯号)
5) 液态吊运天车挂/脱钩安全智能检测系统
6) 钢包耐材侵蚀厚度红外预警系统
7) 输送皮带损伤智能检测系统
8) 磨粒图谱智能识别与分割系统
9) 光场计算并行加速技术
10) 数字底片的缺陷智能识别评定辅助系统
11) 首钢京唐二期钢(铁)包跟踪管理系统软件
12) 国家重点研发计划,钢铁流程综合能效提升及绿色化智能化协同机制
13) 国家重点研发计划,钢铁生产流程工序匹配与系统节能
1) 泰山钢铁优秀教师奖,华为云与计算先锋教师,上海真空科技进步奖一等奖,北京市教学成果一等奖;
2) 指导或参与指导员工竞赛获奖约60项,其中国家级20项;
3) 8项专利,5项软件著作权。